This is not an as-you-were T.E.T.
Little about prices that cause jaws to drop.
Little about agents shooting themselves in the foot.
Little about games agents are playing (but certainly how you can help C.U.R.E. them).
No. Not typical.
Let us begin…
About Us. Or, more specifically, About Matt
Matt Cleverdon has joined us.

Matt is a one-off.
The difference between an estate agent and a buyer advocate is a gulf many would like to cross but so few have the essentials: life experience, real estate experience and, as importantly, mind-set.
Matt’s life experience includes touring the world coaching professional golfers and, twice, recognition as the Victorian Professional Golfers Association Coach Of The Year (“Coaching? You need post-graduate people skills.”).
He went on to become a licensed real estate agent and auctioneer and rose to run the Sandringham end of Nick Johnstone Real Estate — and to become one of the highest rated agents in Australia.
“I had always liked the idea of working as an advocate.”
For that you need an unblemished record and to live by one consideration:
“What is in the best interest of my client?”
About how you can change real estate
There are far too many fools and charlatans in real estate.
Buyers hate them.
Sellers hate them.
Most of all, ethical agents hate them. They put huge pressure on other agents to under-quote to buyers and over-estimate to sellers. They are the reason that real estate agents as a whole are held in such low regard.
In every state, there are regulators which are supposed to ensure that agents act ethically. In every state, they fail.
The solution is political. Governments have to enact laws with penalties that mean something and then enforce them.
Now’s your chance to get them moving: You’re among the first to hear about a petition to Clean Up Real Estate.
Check out and add your name to the petition.
And tell your stories at because nothing leads to action more effectively than real stories told by real people which show, in this case, how unethical agents are costing everyone.
Too many people are getting hurt.
It’s time to say “Enough!”
And the games go on…
There are agents who are Olympic-level slow learners. They would lie to their own mirrors.
A quote of around $6m for a home that sold for $5.8m in 2017?
Really? Prices have hardly moved since then?
The clock is ticking.
Time is nearly up.
Those strangers at auctions and opens? Why are they taking notes? What is so fascinating about their phones?
So many questions.