Some lessons for migratory estate agents who haven’t been around in MEL for longer than they can remember.

Lesson 1. Is this winter?
You open a door and it’s really cold. That’s a sign that it’s probably winter and you’re not in the South of France.
Lesson 2. Things still get bought.
Home things. (Yes! Really!)
You thought everything went dead every time you went away and you still haven’t heard that over the last month there’s been activity at $10.5m, $11.75m, $12.5m, $10.6m, $11.5m, $19.8m, $8m and $14.5m.
Why didn’t you hear? Your clients would love to know that.
Lesson 3. Waiting for Spring.
Don’t. If you’re not finding anything now you’ll find even less then.
Lesson 4. Have an EOI?
You’re kidding.
Lesson 5. Bidders are extinct.
Not quite. Five were seen at one auction in Malvern and another one in Armadale.
Lesson 6. Renovators lack delight.
Costs are through the roof. Many are saying that it’s all too hard and are upping sticks. But you probably haven’t heard that.
Lesson 7. Out of town is a place.
Sweet farms a couple of hours drive away. People are looking for them, especially since the South of France and Noosa doors are shut.
Lesson 8. Waking up is harder in winter.
Irving Road @ $10.5—$11.5m. That’s tell ’em they’re dreamin’ money for what one agent called a rendered foam Esky .
Lesson 9. Buyers are extinct.
Not. Over 60 registrations to look at one small house in Prahran. Is that where the footy crowds are going?
Lesson 10. Voodoo.
One prized street where relationships go to crash. It’s just happened again.
Lesson 11. Don’t shoot your foot.
Small street suddenly has five houses for sale, including one that last sold for $7.2m now on offer at $5.5—$6m.
A whisper for the agent’s ear: The last time the economy went into free-fall, top end prices actually went up.